Fund Raising Projects
“I don’t have much” you might say. It does not require that you have the perfect life in order to give and help us raise funds for our projects.
What you need is a warm heart that realizes that while you may be not be rich, many people don’t have anything at all. Take victims of calamities in Haiti for example. Their houses along with their belongings are washed out by flood, destroyed by storm, or devoured by fire.
Street children did not choose to be homeless – stripped from every right a child deserves – no proper clothing, malnutrition, illiterate, and orphaned.
Our fund raising projects hope to address these social problems in Haiti and hopefully around the world. By setting an example of hope, we believe that the impact of our projects can reach more than just the underprivileged in Haiti.
If you would like to personally take part in our projects, please contact us. Thank you for your humanitarian deed. Please send us your donations online. All contributions, large or small, will impact someone’s future positively.